Monday, August 11, 2008

Honesty - What a Concept!

Honesty being the best policy has landed an Anchorage jogger - the victim of a nasty bear mauling - at the forefront of “this weeks” true and genuine American heroes. It is an award for “Honesty”, as that quality is sometimes hard to find. She admits her mistake, without prejudice. Goes to show that even when ample signs give warning, some are tempted to take a chance. I was chased and stalked by a brown bear about a year ago, up at the Hillside ski area. Believe me, it is a frightening experience. The victim mentions how beautiful the bear appeared, how time stood still. Finally, a true bear story without the fluff. I held that same sentiment, when so close an encounter became my very own experience. There isn’t much else too do but “enjoy” being so close by such a “Big Wild” animal. But she admits that she was wrong to test the waters, as this particular area has witnessed more then enough problems with bears on the loose. I stay away from these areas, as there exists enough signs out and about that forewarns that the “woods” of Bicentennial Park have been outsourced, back to the rightful owners, the animals! And the bears have taken control. I find many other areas to practice my walking and running. In fact, a jump rope will suffice, right in the comfort of my very own garage. Not that I am afraid, it is their domain - the animals - for the time being. A change in behavior, to what species held ownership occurred about 5-years ago. With the bears, it was not all due to a healthy moose population, but more and more people started utilizing the area. We now come to grips with confrontations. Humans are intelligent, so we heed the warning signs. So the honesty thing speaks for itself. The admittance that she knew better but chanced going it alone, well she no doubt has second thoughts about it now from a hospital bed. And did I, when I went un-prepared for an enjoyable Sunday afternoon walk with my dog, Dixie. Normally, I carried protection. The one time I didn’t, well! And now that we are the trespassers upon another’s domain, so we must respect that. And the mauling victim mentions that a biker had come from the very same direction wherein she was later attacked. Maybe that is what aroused the young bears, to give chase. Again, there are enough signs out and about that indicate caution to the point that the woods should be left alone for the animals. And when one looks at the recent diminished human activity, from vacant parking lots, many people have taken note to just avoid these areas. But her honesty is what struck a note of innocence upon my reactions to her pain and suffering. This honesty will carry her to recovery. Her respect for the bears, especially now, will also help towards a speedy recovery. And the nightmares will also disrupt normal sleeping habits. As far as the bear, it looks as though its time has come, which may mean the same for her cubs. Too bad, so sad. I would be upset over the fact that the animals are now the hunted, but thanks again to the victims honesty, we can look at this situation as a lessons learned. People, read the signs! “There’s bears in them there hills!” Now with respect to honesty being the best policy, what gives? All around town we see dishonesty hard at work. Even the public buses have become victim of this scam, advertising dishonesty for a fee. Maybe it is because of a hard-up budget, with fuel prices out of control. I guess money can buy anything, even if not the truth. Yes, DISHONESTY. I am talking about all these “Ted Stevens 2008” campaign signs showing up on public property. And gag me with a spoon, using red, white and blue as a symbol of what? But I am sure the right-of-way police are afraid to touch anything with the Hulk’s name attached. It must be a bunch of VECO munchkins hard at work when most of us are at home with our families. I honestly thought about taking a clip from Monopoly, the prisoner card, and stapling it to the signs. But why give Ted something to scold about. He just doesn’t understand. I understand there is a new board game out called “K” Street. There are these little figurines used to march around the game board. Tom delay is the headmaster. Ted and Don are included, as pawns for the lobbyists. The more dollars you swindle away accounts for re-election votes. Which reminds me, what the hell is up with Don Young? Are not Ted and Don under indictment? Again, what happened to honesty? Maybe we need a monster to reign down upon these two scoundrels, like a bear attack, wherein Ted and Don will be forced to admit that they knew better but chanced going uncaught. Can you imagine if Ted and Don practiced honesty, honestly! What the hell are they afraid of? Work! Really, they have been stool stuck as crotchety old spunkers for way too long. They have been part of the corruption that has infiltrated the scene, one that started out with a viable system of checks and balances. Ted and Don and not to forget Frank, because of their time in office, have been instrumental in allowing the Congress to become the House of Ruins. The checks that once threatened any imbalances have been substituted by real checks, for padding the “war chest”. Don is great at stretching the truth. I once heard him call Linda Pelossi a “Rabid Skunk”, then denied it. Ted still thinks he did nothing wrong with his ties to Bill Allen and VECO. Just bring honesty to the bargaining table guys, as that is what we expect from individuals considered “statesmen”. Dishonesty will erase many years of goodwill to the point that the “statesmen” label is now replaced with the “henchmen’s” label. That is what your positions have become, by the representatives for the lobbyists, so it is very difficult to find your replacements, as most of us like to practice “honesty” honestly. It is “filth” money the embraces your success. We are sick and tired of the sacrileges that your have committed against the Constitution. Remember, somewhere it reads, “We the People”. I would bet that if both of you came forward with the truth, then we would all accept that, based on the fact that you both accepted the responsibility to be honest, even if after all these years honesty was just a suggestion - just like an Anchorage traffic light. Nobody’s looking! It is against the law of the people, regardless. You both went caught. So if you could find the decency to come forward with an “honesty is the best policy” statement, then we would forgive your past, that you knew better. And isn’t it great to have a song in your honor? “Somewhere a senator, sits in a big leather chair, behind a big wooden desk. The caribou he killed, mean nothing to him. He took the money, just like all the rest. Tick Tock.” Yes indeed, Neil put it so well, just like all the rest! With the time you two have been away from Alaska - thank God - you could have made a difference. And it was during the time that you befriended the VECO boys, Ted, you were positioned to be in charge of this country, as President Pro “Mad” Temper, if something should go wrong up on the hill. So, maybe, just maybe you can find a little glimpse of hope, that honesty is still the best policy and it is never too late to be truthful and honest. Your campaign signs are publication that corruption breeds more corruption. We don’t deserve that. America doesn’t deserve it and surely it sends the wrong message to our children. And if the cobwebs of age have taken the toll, remember as an American politician you both swore on the bible with your hand held high that you would be honest. But then again, if you continue down the same path of dishonesty, and in concert with the slobber of lobbying and tell the people what they want to hear, then you will probably fool the silent majority once again. Hey Don, just what the hell was your “fishing pole” tax all about? And why is Don’s Way part of a “Public Law”? I guess anything for publicity, honest or dishonest - it is all of the same crap design. And instead of the eagle soaring above as a symbol of strength, we are rained down upon by “crap”, from dishonest politicians alive and well. What do we tell our children? As this fallout upon my country t’s of Thee is another EXXON Valdez wreck in the making, with punitive damages not an option for punishment. In fact, rewards for being dishonest are easier to come by, like re-election time after time after time.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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1 comment:

  1. Our site has taken a somewhat more sympathetic view of the good Senator, regarding his troubles as more symptomatic of the party as a whole. Thanks for adding your voice.
