Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Drop Out

Take this scenario. A business is successful for many years, then all of a sudden it experiences a high employee turnover. So bad that it ranks this business the “worst” turnover company in the nation. With the turnover frightening away many potential employees - like there exists a disease on the production line - the manufacturing output drops dramatically which affects the company stock. The shareholders get riled up and there comes a coup detach against the executives. The CEO and comrades walk the plank! Then with new blood at the top, things start to turn around. A consulting firm is sent in to access what caused the disconnect between managers and the workers. It amounted to an issue of loyalty between the managers and the executives. See, the managers were union and every time the union contract came up for negotiations, the executives hired high roller consultants and campaigners to paint the teachers - I mean managers - as overpaid workers who only work a few hours each day and enjoy the entire summer off. As a means to not give the teachers - I mean managers - the money raise they deserve. When all the time, there was plenty of money to go around. In fact, the money that was saved by threatening the general public's welfare was distributed to the executives, for yet again winning. And that is what we have before us with the Anchorage School District. It boils down to management. It boils down to how the present day administration treats the workers, the teachers. How many “almost” strikes have we seen here in Anchorage? But the teachers are professional and take what they can muster and move on. But the entire crap situation reverberates downward, just like “crap” rolling down a hill. There exists a recipient somewhere along the way that will swallow the bad news, a martyr for the masses. That is what is behind this high turnover here in the Anchorage schools – student drop-outs. It is not the teachers dropping out, but the kids. These kids are trying to blow the whistle on the problem. Nobody is listening. Maybe it is time for a change at the top. And the way this state treats the teachers with respect to salaries and working conditions, when compared to oil workers, it is no wonder that Anchorage has become once again the rape capital of the nation. In a nutshell, if the Pom-Pom Lady cared about the teachers and students, then the staff up at Spring Hill wouldn’t be subject to cell-phone radiation bombardment on a daily basis. Really, there is a micro-wave radiation tower so close that it shines a shadow upon the school. The tower sits on the property of a “fake” God religious organization, the one wherein the head honcho recently went into hiding, for reasons unknown. I heard an addiction. What is wrong with being addicted to God? Anyway, early on when the tower was being erected I questioned the “fake” God preacher as to why the tower was placed so close to the “public” school and far and away from the “fake” religion’s school proper, which sits on the same property. Guess what the “fake” preacher said with a laugh. And the “no-fake” head expert from the FCC informed me that he would not send his kids to that school. No wonder this city has a high student drop-out. Anyway, the Anchorage Daily Stool came equipped with enough statistics this morning that one needed a math degree to make any sense out of it. There came statistics on crime and statistics on drop-outs and I think I read three different stories on vehicle roll-overs. That’s because this state has the “crappiest” roads money can buy. In fact, I am convinced that Morocco has better roads then what we see here in Anchorage. For that matter anywhere in Alaska! In fact, the 400-mile Haul Road is a better road then what is found leading into and out of Anchorage. Oh, and is this city really going to sponsor the cross-country ski championship in 2010? We haven’t had any good snow for the last 5-years! And didn’t the cross-country races this past year have to be cancelled, because of lack of snow? Anyhow, what really frightens me is the crime statistics. Rape, is again on the top of the list. In fact, the bike path between C Street and the highway is known as “Rape Me” alley. And what gets me, when MoanaLisa Neopotism Murkowski had to defend her freebie seat in the U.S. Senate, she campaigned on behalf of Anchorage’s rape victims, and how she would poor Federal money to arrest the out of control atrocity against women. I think she has spent more time on real estate dealings down on the Kenai then on the rape issue. Besides better roads, Morocco may be a safer place to live with respect to crime gone wild here in the BIG Wild! A typical politician MoanaLisa is, just like her dad. I do believe MoanaLisa will succumb to the same outcome, failure. Getting paid to experiment with democracy must be a fun job, especially when one is a republican. In ending, remember this. Don’t be afraid of crime, as it is quite alright to shoot potential criminals in the back, just ask the preacherman. When on the bike path, carry a gun. And if you are really board, take a drive up to Spring Hill and look at that micro-wave cell-phone tower that must be an experiment upon the staff and students of the “public” school system. And as far as the drop-out statistics, maybe it is time for a change at the top. Hey wait a minute, how did this state get that “No Child Left Behind” loot from the U.S. Treasury? Maybe creative manipulation of the true facts – called fraud! If the statistics tell the true picture of disgrace in the number of drop-outs here in Anchorage, where does this pathetic stat fit into the money equation? That’s right, it doesn’t account for drop-outs as it is an out of sight out of mind equation variable. Just forget about the drop-outs. In fact, fodder for the Iraq war is probably the sentiment. It is just like what George Bush did when he was the head honcho in Texas, manipulated the numbers to allow this “No Child Left Behind” crap to look good. Now the entire country suffers through it. Make it look and sound good or else. Why does the Federal government like to keep the states hostage? That is truly un-constitutional, especially here in Alaska. Anyway, can’t deny that George isn’t the greatest manipulator of true facts with fiction, just look at the Iraq war blunder – mission accomplished. So I guess it is just a monkey see and monkey dodo mentality, just to make it all look good on paper. When all the time the state of affairs here in Anchorage is sickening with the drop-out statistics, the rapes and the roads repaired but still in disrepair. So who cares if most states have banned cell-phone towers from school property, it is all for the money. And as far as rape, MoanaLisa said help was on the way but first off is the restoration of the riverbank along the Kenai River. As far as a mission accomplished, the Anchorage School Department wins in that category, by reporting the bad news about drop-outs when nobody gives a rat’s ass, as school is out for the summer and nobody is listening.

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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