Saturday, March 1, 2008

Gasline Port Authority

Commie Fever!
What the hell is up with the commies infiltrating the Alaska scene these days? I thought the cold war was a thing of the past? Anyway, the price of pizza dough is up 22% already this year, it is only February. And last year topping cheese-gee-wiz went up 18% overall. Considering the global economy of scale mentality, pizza pricing and delivery is probably this country’s most accurate signal that provides a true scorecard of the economy at lodge. It contains wheat, sugar, salt, meat, cheese and tomatoes. It is the Holy Grail of nutrition! Talk about nutrition, I heard a mom complain that milk is up 17-cents a gallon, she seemed depressed! Bush said the economy is still healthy but “borked” at the reporter who asked what the two-term lame-brain thought about motor gasoline approaching $4 a whack. He ducked when he heard the word “whack”! Talk about a “bork”, what the hell is U.S. Representative Henry Waxman trying to accomplish by attacking Roger Clemens? Talk about a commie attack. This is baseball Henry. Go find something better to do then waste the taxpayers’ money just to make a name for yourself? The kids of this country that grow up learning about baseball before politics will dispise you when your name comes up in the history books. Probably right up there with Osama. Is that what you want to be remembered for? Anyway, the economy is in a strangle hold and ready to crater, unless Americans - true Americans of the middle class - come to lend a helping hand. Back to the economy as Congress turns its back on us, once again. Now we didn’t directly cause this screw up as most hard working American’s are just doing that, hard working our asses’ off to make ends meet. But we are able to take some of the blame, as we lost consiouness and oversight over what has been really going on behind the scenes. See, we have cut ourselves in the main artery and are bleeding to death, all together now. So there may not be anybody to come and stop that bleeding before it is too late. We are all guilty. See, we have fallen for the snake poison with respect to how we are all involved in the economy of Wall Street. Not from a supply and demand interest, but from the way we have all become shareholders of “crap” investment scams wherein we are all trying to get rich. Lesson learned people! The rich don’t want you to get rich! The richer you and your neighbor become, the poorer the rich bastards become. There is only so much wealth to go around! I get a kick out of how people despise big corporations that pay no taxes. See, it is all part of the equation of wealth. It is all part of how we will end up in the wealth department trying to get by during retirement. We factor into that equation, as do the corporate giants. When you look at what EXXON requires to maintain its status quo, there is indeed a trickle down economy. You may not be an EXXON shareholder but somewhere along the way I can bet that one of your portfolios’ investment strategies is tied to how well that corporation does in the revenue pay no taxes scheme scene of modern day corporate miss-dealings. That is why the meek shall inherit the earth. But what I was getting too is how these loose cannons here in Alaska like to exercise their 1st Amendment right when the 2nd Amendment may get a workout pretty soon. To protect our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness over commie like mentality. Honestly, the commies are alive and well right here in Alaska! Some guy wants to build a natural gas pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez so that commodity can be liquefied then exported. Actually he represents a bunch of Bozos on a bus that is way out of control and off course and recognized professionally as the “Alaska Gasline Port Authority”. Now anything that has “Port Authority” associated with it must be something Bill “Turn Coat” Sheffield is involved with, so it has to be a rip-off. See, when we start to think in terms of greed be with us in efforts to reap more money from our resources, like this outfit’s unfit request to allow selling “our” natural gas to the Asian community, because it will fetch some 3 cents more on a cubic foot of gas, we are loosing focus of the really problem at hand - the pizza problem. What I am getting at is simple. This state is positioned to help out our fellow Americans much better then how Hugo Chavez is trying to help out, with the high cost of energy. Energy costs are the cornerstone of how well or not this economy will survive. The dollar is at an all time low. It all boils down to energy costs. That pizza crust wheat costs more now due to the cost of fuels to sow and cut the wheat. So it is this state’s time overdue to lend a helping hand. If we don’t want to help out then we may as well just secede and go it our own. For years this state has raped the U.S. Treasury for way too much kick-back earmark “bull crap”. We owe it to our brothers and sisters down yonder that are starving to death from high energy costs to lend a helping hand, as we are positioned to do so. Remember, they get double taxation and receive not a dividend check. And yes, every Alaskan is a bonafide EXXON shareholder as this state invests heavily in that corporation’s stock. It helps your dividend check. Anyway the natural gas reserves we have can play an important factor in the supply and demand equation if and when that gas gets flowing. Right now pipe should be rolling off the steel plant presses and ditch-witches should be ripping up the tundra, for a natural gas pipeline to the “Hub” in British Columbia. When that gas - “our” gas - is available it will have a tendency to compete with Canadian gas. All gas coming from this state should be earmarked for AMERICA and nowhere else. To think that we should export this gas to a foreign entity is “Turn Coat” treason and an act of commie cronyism. Remember when BP lobbied Ted “Good Dad” Stevens and Don “Idiot” Young to get the Jones Act turned around so Alaskan crude oil could be exported, it sucked! Just the fact that British Petroleum now had the authority from our Congress to “export” oil with not one iota of a real intent to do so, the price of motor gasoline increased 4-cents a gallon, from the fear factor! So we owe it to America to lend a helping hand by sending “our” gas to markets via the Canadian gas transportation system already in place. For a competitive reason. The supply and demand thing will work and competition will demand gas to be sold and re-purchased at lower prices, driving down Alaska’s profits and providing a dividend that may not be has healthy as it could have been if we succumbed to the greed only factor, or if we decide to all be “Turn Coats” and allow this gas to go on the export market. In the end, a right and might decision based on a natural gas pipeline through Canada will benefit this nation’s economy. It could turn things around and become a turnaround reality as soon as the gas pipeline is official and being built and things start to get ordered. It could stimulate the economy even before one cubic foot of gas is transported from Prudhoe Bay to America. The Trans-Alaska-Pipeline was one of the biggest capitol projects that helped out the entire United State’s economy when it was built some 30-years ago. When a project this size gets a stamp of approval, it gets the stalled gears of the economy going again, as all kinds of things are needed for such a project to be successful. From steel components to pipe to workers to whores. It is indeed a shot in the arm. With another project like this going through Canada, it will be a shot in the arm for this state and at the same time a big shot in the arm for America. Supply and demand through competition is one of those things that can’t help but work. Maybe Alaska can be the saving grace of this nation’s economy. Maybe it can erase the tarnish that the “Corrupt Bastards” have allowed this state to become the laughing stock state of the union. So NO, our gas is not for sale to foreigners. It is America’s gas and should be sent to the homeland, no if and or buts about it. Commies, get lost! That includes anybody or entity associated with the bozo bus mentality of the “Alaska Gasline Port Authority”. Amen! It is time for Alaska to save America and a Canadian natural gas pipeline is the way to go. Maybe we need one of Don’s bridges, erected over the Bearing Strait, so the commies can find their way to a new home. Hey, they want export? Maybe we should accommodate!

CopyRight 2008 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
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