Saturday, February 2, 2008


Visual distortions along with the inability to communicate along with an uncontrollable urge to splurge and the possibility of an out of control sensation to cheat? This sounds more like a politician’s greed creed then what can be accomplished by chewing something called “Saliva Divinorum”, a legal LSD substitute that is finding itself banned here, there and everywhere. It is a member of the sage plant family. And it is still legal in Alaska, so before the legislature takes away another piece of liberty, maybe they should try out a few chews and see if even the slightest bit of ethics makes a comeback in their ways and means. Anyway, just what the hell is going on down in Juneau? It is easy to see that jealousy is raining in upon Mrs. Vogue Mature’s dynasty. I guess the Party of Ruedrich – a.k.a. GOWP, Grand Old Whine Party – like ganging up on Sarah. Talk about “Hardball”. Here in Alaska it is called a “Hardon”! All the republican bastards seem to be embarrassed over the fact that they couldn’t muster up even a “she male” to run against a “Valley Lady”. This is really bad for Wayne’s World – a.k.a. Alaska, the Last Frontier. She is a little Annie Oakley when it comes to the “Big Oil” whipping post. She has them, “Tied to the whipping post, tied to the whipping post”! I guess Frank’s comeback on the scene is like an infusion of Viagra for the bums. I can see his fan club members drooling. I actually liked Frank when he was the governor. With all of the closed door stuff going on behind the citizens’ backs, I honestly thought that this state would have been sold to England. And Frank’s first lady wrote a breathtaking article, about how small the bathroom was on the jet that Frank purchased without approval using state money. Imagine that, a toilet that was too small to fit assholes. So, the residents of Alaska might get to enjoy a rebate – to offset the high cost of energy – in the tune of $1000-dollars! That equates to about 2-months of energy bills. I can get 10 times that amount just by calling 1-800-Joe 4 Oil and raiding Hugo Chavez’s piggy bank. Why not, as the company I work for has a good relationship with Hugo down in Venezuela. In fact, he is our number one customer! For those not in the know, Hugo’s country owns CITGO. This energy giant based out of Houston - where gunslingers once ruled - provides energy assistance to Americans. Last year, that program to help people heat their homes migrated from the east coast all the way up here to Alaska, to assist the villagers contend with out of control price gouging. Half the villages said yes to this offer, as heating fuel pricing was crazier then ever. Now it seems that the villages that allowed help from an outside friend country that is considered part of that “axis of evil” by George Bush, well these villages found that the Denali Commission money was abruptly cutoff. See, it goes to show that the only thing that Ted and Don “pork” has accomplished is a noose around our necks! In the “meen” time, some looser raking in a huge per diem hiding down in Juneau and away from his constituents, he wants to give back a billion dollars to the oil companies in overpaid taxes. Since when has an American corporation overpaid taxes? It doesn’t happen, as the accountants would have been already looking for another job. Here is the big problem at hand for Huggins’ Screw Ball 242, a.k.a SB 242. This guy must like “hugs” from big oil. “Big Oil” has already found ways to “hideaway” profits through write-offs. I am willing to bet that if a billion big ones are let loose, the accountants will be quick to redo the math in efforts to find “mistakes”, so that rebate can also be sheltered away from Uncle Sam. It just doesn’t make sense, unless one takes all ethical thinking away, once again. Maybe there is something growing down yonder that is affecting logical thinking. Maybe it something in the air. Bottom-line, why not take time to ram an ethics bill down your own throats. And at the same time, take a look at that noose around this state’s neck, from Ted’s and Don’s disillusion that we want them to stay in office. Do you really think it is fun being called the most “Corrupt” state of the union, and we don’t even have the mafia hanging out! And that other noose, from BIG OIL, maybe somebody can get it loosened up from around Huggins’ neck, as it seems lack of breathing air is causing hallucinations. Maybe he needs a hug from somebody. But who cares, as he doesn’t seem to care about us. For the people and by the people? Not with this jokerman. Jokerman, that’s right! And according to Bob Dylan, “You were born with a snake in both fists while a hurricane was blowing. Freedom just around the corner for you, but with the truth so far off, what good will it do. Manipulator of crowds, you’re a dream twister. Well, the rifleman’s stalking the sick and the lame, preacherman seeks the same, who’ll get there first is uncertain. Oh, Jokerman.”

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