Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's Official

Extra, extra, hear all about it. Bill Clinton is a liar. See, most “Americans Not Left Behind” already conceded to the fact that Bill was a liar. One up on George’s famous “Mission Accomplished” quote is Bill’s “I didn’t have sex with….” But if you are following the democratic posse posturing, which includes Bill’s wife Hillary, it is easy to see and understand what most of us already realized without a doubt. “Liar, liar, pants on fire, your nose is longer then a telephone wire.” Bill’s nose did see an increase in length following his interrogation over what he told the “world” with respect to the Devil in the blue dress. And with his current fibbing gestures attacking other candidates on the trail, that blower is getting bigger all around. I guess it was lengthened out as far as it could go so is now growing in all direction in accordance with the kindergarten creed. So, think of it this way. Hillary gets into office by some chad-hair affair. Then a few days into her term somebody hits the “RED” button and all hell breaks out. Maybe while Bill and Hillary were playing under the oval office desk. Do you think Hillary would lie? Not I. Then was it Bill? This country is in a sad state of affairs when the likely candidates following in George’s footsteps are McCain and Hillary. I agree with Chuck Norris, McCain is ancient and should pack his greed to be president into retirement. There is nothing, not nothing he can do for this country! Now I am not discriminating against with respect to age, but we need a young thinker in that office considering what has transpired over a short time span with respect to world opinion. And Hillary should also go home. Answer me this. These sitting senators – getting paid a hefty salary – are absent from work when out on the campaign trail. Now they say that with modern hi-tech communications that their work can be performed on the road. That is why I could never run for office, as my employer would not allow such lengthily absence away from the job. There is something drastically wrong with this picture. These scoundrels in office give themselves a hefty raise year after year then sign their own absent excuses. Double dipping double tricking it is! But this type of shenanigans may provide political evolution for a new age revolution. Here is what I am getting at. The only reason that the Constitution allowed the people to elect representatives was the fact that Washington was a long ways away, so a delegation was elected to take the peoples concerns to one place of advocacy. Now if modern technology can do it for them on the road then that same technology can do it for the people at home. Maybe we don’t need lawbreakers doing our business for us and the people can vote for what we want and what we don’t want. It would be total control for the people and by the people. Bottom line, I agree that the time has come to abolish the congressional delegation wherein the people can enjoy a separate voice in numbers. It is better then the electoral. This is what the Constitution was designed to do, change with technology. If when this country were born, had there been this type of modern communications to vote on issues and budgets and opinionate, there would be no wagon train gravy train delegation. Can you imagine if the people were actually called upon to cast a “Yey” or “Ney” vote to go to war with Iraq? I understand that Bush is planning a going away party. Yes indeed we are negotiating long-term commitment plans in Iraq. See, this country never required an “exit” strategy as the original intent was to get bogged down over yonder and allow the death toll to eventually surpass the Vietnam burial era. We have failed as we let the presidency get out of control. We need to take back control and maybe by abolishing the congress and letting the people do the walking and the talking we can make this country righteous once again. See, Bush comes from the old school wherein incompetence was hidden by fake success and a family name. It happened to me. I went to a Catholic school. I had an older intelligent brother and a younger intelligent brother. I was the middle child so intelligence was just a dream. But instead of keeping me back year after year, my advancement to a grade of higher learning – when all the time yearning the swamp life of Mark Twain over 1000-page books and homework – it was driven by what happened to older and younger brother. See, there is no way in hell that I could have been kept back and be in the same class as my younger brother. And the older brother was a smart Alec, so the teachers couldn’t wait to get me in that next grade and set the record straight that I was going to behave myself. Ouch! The best ever thing that came the way of the nuns was that yardstick with the metal strip! So I think George and I had something in common, lack of intelligence. The only difference is the fact that his family had wealth, so wealth followed him to high places. Wealth can buy favor. Wealth can’t buy smarts. If an IQ test were required as a prerequisite to such a high office, George’s picture would never be found in the back page of the dictionary. I have a dictionary, but I have already cut Nixon’s picture out. It is too old a dictionary to have Bill’s mug-shot. Now for myself with respect to George, I was just a common working class hero. It is the rich that have ruined this country. Huey Long was right, that the wealth should be distributed equally. Why? Because one can only spend and purchase so much. Right now as we speak, it is the American wage earners that are keeping the economy somewhat buoyant. Why? Because we put everything we make back into the machine. The hard working Americans grease the wheels. Rich people don’t contribute the same, so as the rich increase in numbers, it will cause a sagging economy. Their money is hidden away, so it stunts the growth of our destiny as a world leading economy. Rich people suck the life out of America. The bottom-line, there should be a hefty taxation placed upon the rich. The rich should not be able to pass on the wealth to generations of nephews and grandkids. Why? There is a growing population of kids that will never know what it is like to pursue a job then work for a wage. This is unfair as this is not what this country was founded upon. Neither was it found on lying and a congress that has lost site of reality and absent from their due diligent duties!

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