Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thrifty Journalism

The Rest of the Story
OK, according to thrifty journalism “Big Oil” is treading new ground as “International Trend” setting by sovereign governments is closing in on the rape like shenanigans considered in the beginning exploratory but as usual ends up exploiting. That is what happened up here in Alaska, once a territory turned welfare state. See, before oil this state was a territory. Where law and order meant just that. Case in point. There was a marshal ferrying a rapist from Juneau to Anchorage. The felon had to pee and the only place to put down the two-passenger plane was on a glacier out in the middle of nowhere. So the felon got his wish. But he had other plans, to escape. The marshal wasn’t concerned when the felon went running across the glacier. The last thing the marshal remembered was watching the idiot fall into a crevasse! The marshal said the funniest thing he ever saw as a lawman was watching this guy wave from way down deep in a freezer. Rescue? There the rapist remained. True story. Now when oil was found, a few “corrupt bastards” made damn sure that “territorial” status was no longer an option, so they campaigned for statehood. Why? Because they realized that without “institutionalized” law and order, the oil companies would not get away with rape. So they opted to “represent” this state as part of the Union. Wherein law and order is justified, so is welfare. So the welfare came this way in big “Ted & Don” sized bags and the oil companies got away with rape. True story. For those of you not in the MSNBC mode of appeals, “Thrifty Journalism” is defined as “selective” journalism, wherein an editor can spin even the spin, by only providing the main ingredients and leaving the secret seasoning to be just that, secret. It is most likely filled with MSG and other nasty good tasting stuff. So you don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, thus the “thrifty” coverage rules. Anyhow, so Big Oil” has it tough going forward, as some of the majors are finding out that governments - we the people - want their fair share of the resourceful wealth. That is the only thing behind the present day skyrocketing oil prices, everybody wants their share. It used to be the oil companies that hauled off the resources and turned it into loot, when all the time the land and resource owners settled for a pittance on the true worth. Not so anymore though. Now according to the Daily Stool’s AP article titled “High Prices Fuel Debate Over Oil Tax” - which definitely falls under “thrifty journalism” - the “Big Ones” are finding out that the grass isn’t greener in others’ back yards. Not in Russia, not in Venezuela, not in Siberia, not in Canada and soon - hopefully - not here in Alaska! I hope Sarah’s wish comes true. Kick ass and tax the hell out of BP! So when Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is the only one signaled out by name and rank, it amounts to this “Thrifty Journalism”. This article doesn’t come clean with others in power, painting only this guy as a hard-ass. He is no different then Putin, with respect to his county’s resource protectionism. And answer me this, why are jets from Elmendorf scrambling Bear Bombers these days – just off the coast of Alaska? I thought the cold war was done with for now. So this current day flack over Venezuela has to be expanded upon, as this article falls way short in efforts to educate those interested in the knowledge. I am not trying to defend Hugo, even though he keeps the big “Citgo” sign in Boston well lit up, especially during the World Series! And he gave a bunch of cheap heating fuel to villagers along Alaska’s coast, just like he did for the elderly on the east coast of UNITED STATES. This “offer-in-kind” must be an embarrassment to the Bush administration! Now contrary to “thrifty journalism” opinion, “Big Oil” companies that were working in Venezuela were not just kicked out of country, like happened to “Big Oil” in Kadafy’s Libya - pronounced like Wubbya - some years back. In Venezuela, Hugo did “statenize” oil, but offered those operating in country a “slice of the pie”. First, those with an interest and investment were offered a 43% partnership. They had 100% to begin with, so it was some semblance of a loss, but not rape. And they were paid for their investment either way, if they opted to stay or cried like babies and packed their bags. At first some of the “Big Ones” like EXXON just left, while others re-evaluated the partnership. It was still lucrative. But faced with Cheney mentality and maybe due to some kind of closed-door dealings that would allow “Big Oil” to enjoy the Venezuelan loses to be quadrupled with tax incentives, they all decided to leave. But they will be back, as the equipment to build the pipeline infrastructure to carry oil to ports close to the mid-Atlantic’s oil tanker freeway is already on-site and the project is well on its way forward. And bottom line, who pays attention to where the oil is coming from anyway? Bottom-line, It means more cheap gasoline for Chavez’s countrymen and most likely more cheap fuel for Americans! Who do you think supplied all the pumps and drivers for the Venezuelan oil infrastructure and ongoing projects to begin with? And I am sure that petition to turn off the “Citgo” sign is a thing of the past now that the Sox’s have pummeled Colorado! Fenway loves the sign! Anyway, with free time and privacy getting also to be a thing of the past, “Thrifty Journalism” only makes sense. But like anything else, cutting corners has its good side and bad side. In this case, I don’t know if it was planned that way, to discredit Hugo, or just a case of mentality blues. I am sure Cheney was a fan. And I am sure had not this state gone crazy with “statehood” over territorialism, the countrymen and women would also be enjoying cheap fuel, as we should have “state controlled” the resources a long, long time ago. According to this state’s Constitution, it is state run, but we had representation that sold the henhouse to the FOX along with a guarantee that we would pay for loses accrued by the FOX invading the house of hens. Double-take it was, all in the name of “statehood”. So maybe it is time to take back what is ours, Chavez style. We have been screwed for 30-years by now, with the resources. We can’t recoup those loses, but maybe we should follow a leader, when it comes to how one treats visitors. So Sarah and this state’s citizens should take note of what is happening “globally”, as it isn’t just a warming trend!

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press
Contact: Storylineonline@gci.net or www.Storylineonline.com or www.chinookjournal.blogspot.com

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