Saturday, October 6, 2007


“Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog’s eye”, a.k.a. snot! Really, that was my sentiment as I waited for the traffic light to change in efforts to ride my bike across the street. It is unbelievable, that this city’s traffic control is totally out of control. It is a coordinated effort that supports nothing but to waste everybody’s time. So I propose the following. All of this city’s traffic engineers should be awarded an all expense no-holds-barred paid for “by the people” business vacation. Destiny? To visit all of the major cities down the lower 48 way. So they can see how it is done in other cities! I travel to many of the majors. And after work, I take the time to walk and find a place to jog. The hotel clerks know all about the best jogging places, so tip them well. Anyhow, how come traffic flows so smoothly in other places? And you’ll never see these long-winded “Red” lights wherein most of the time there is no traffic taking advantage of the “GO”. At the same time, those against the grain finding plenty of time to pick their noses! Something has got to be wrong with the way our “Red, Green and Yellow” folks have been taught, as it leaves “All of us behind”. Maybe it is due to “color-blindness”. This city is very unfriendly. But what can one expect when the one and only paper in print publishes a weekend update that goes like this: Baby’s killer gets no more time. Man sentenced to 50 years for killing mom. Girl dies weeks after plane crash. Pair gets prison for death of college student. 10 sex-abuse cases on track. Man found guilty of 2006 murder. Body of missing woman found. Assemblyman serves five days. Embezzler sentenced to five years. Yuck! There was not one good thing in this recap and it was a typical week here in Anchorage! Except this one particular week was out of the ordinary, as no state senator was indicted and found guilty. Maybe the courts had a break, as it has been very demanding on the system of justice with trials upon those that are supposed to defend justice – representatives gone wild! And if this is any “barometer” as to the health and well-being of a community, we are doomed forever in the category of “City of Brotherly Love”! And what’s with the painted road lines – that disappear with the first snowfall - as if the paint department is using powdered sugar instead of paint. How come other people elsewhere can do a job right the first time when around here it is never done right time after time after time? Sorry, I forgot. Cancel those reservations for that free-for-all expense paid business vacation. See, there is no intent to do things right the first time here in the “Corrupt Bastard” state. Why? It is based on the supply and demand theory. Simply stated, once a job is completed, there may not be anything left to gainfully employ the traffic guy or painter. Without an infrastructure of sustainability, there is not a reason to complete a job successfully the first go-around. That is why you will see union electricians who are out of bonafide electrical work painting lines in the intersections. Bottom-line, if the problem or project is fixed the first time go around, then the taxpayer need not hand over more loot for trying it again! So, the supply and demand theory up here is in essence a supply and be damned theory. Damn, this light is longer then a Ted Stevens’ temper tantrum. And I can’t risk crossing against the raised “right” hand, as this state has so much extra cash on hand that we have our very own task force to uphold “jaywalking” jurisprudence. So I wait. My as well read the Daily Stool. Wow. Now usually I don’t pick on senators and congressmen from other lands, but there is something evil going on here. See, in the list of the most wanted political crooks that received money from VECO – the sleazebag oil field company that has made Alaska the laughing stock state of the union - Daniel Inouye is mentioned. Why would he be the only “DEMOCRAT” that received tainted money? What do you mean it isn’t tainted. You know what, Bill Allen will go down as the best thing that ever happened to Alaska. He was just a middle magnet man that got caught and decided to take everybody else to prison with him. All the money Bill made came from big oil companies, like BP. Big oil not only had U.S. representatives by the neck, but decided to go for the kill, by uniting Alaska’s representatives against the people. So based on “chain of custody”, the honey money trail started above Bill and ended within its intended audiences’ back pocket. Bill was just the “pusher man”. He was the guy that broke the “campaign” corruption case wide open, and in the end it will make this state the “Prison Capitol” of the nation. So regardless of Bill and company, it is money that was tainted before Bill got his hands on it and was instructed on how to hand it out. And are not you surprised that some of the crooks are giving back Bill’s money, to charity! U.S. Nepotelect Senator Lisa is giving a portion back to charity. U.S. “Two Story” Senator Ted, he has decided to give a portion back to charity. Congressman Don “Rabid Skunk” Young is undecided, as he is looking at the possibly of giving even more charity to Coconut Groove. What gives here? Give it back to VECO and distribute it out as a bonus to the poor working bastards that are now loosing their jobs. Hey, I worked with the VECO boys, they had to contribute or else! Their loss is a senators’ or congressmen’s gain. And what the representatives of the “Corrupt Bastard” state are giving back amounts to only a finite fraction to what they were given to begin with. This sucks. If it is tainted, give it all back! But there is a reason why it isn’t all going away, back to the rightful owners. See, the money goes into a “War Chest”. So of the $41,000 that Lisa was awarded for doing her “sworn” duty to VECO, she is keeping $33,000. With Ted, he is keeping “more” then $50,000. And that reason to build up the “War Chest” with tainted money? This money can be used for just about anything. War Chest money is by far the sleaziest of heists. I would wager my “poor chest” savings that Ted and the rest are using it to pay for attorney’s fees. Ted had to hire the same guy that defended Colonel Oliver North, during the Iran Contra fiasco. Oliver lied in front of Congress and was given a presidential pardon. This D.C. lawyer isn’t cheap and is retained only if someone did something really bad or was looking for a “pardon me”. Anyway, Inouye was “like a brother” to the kingpin crook, namely Ted Stevens. So it could go like this. Either Bill was smart enough to realize what kind of relationship Ted and Daniel had made over the years, so automatically calculated that a gift was in order, or, maybe relief was just a phone call away. Even Larry “Bathroom Bandit” Craig was a VECO recipient of tainted oil company money. And guess what he may be doing with the money? Yes indeed, attorney fees to destroy the bathroom evidence that he is a psycho that likes to frequent airport latrines. And Senator Demint said it best, “Appalled to learn about these admitted crooks”. The funny thing about the list of recipients, all but one is a REPUBLICAN, and all show a strong support for the Iraq war! Interesting. Iraq war, big oil! So I end with this poem as I am lost with words and the traffic light finally changed in my favor, so I am once again on my way and maybe destiny will once again come in favor of the righteous people of this land, of this country, without fear of getting kicked once again;

Raven Crying

Raven seemed disturbed
Reasons not clear.
Balmy weather was not to fear.
Raven seemed perturbed
Made her point clear.
Story told so all could hear.

Cried Lucy in the sky,
This English garden chant!

Yellow matter custard,
green slop pie,
All mixed together with a dead dog's eye.
Slap it on a butty,
ten foot thick,
then wash it all down
with a cup of cold sick.

Cried Lucy again,
Yellow matter custard,
Flashback tripped up verse,
Dripping from a dead dog’s eye.
Sounded like dead Lennon.
40 year living legend Walrus man.

Raven seemed disturbed
Reasons now clear.
Nineteenth day this year.
Raven seemed perturbed
Made her point all so clear.
Saw them kicking Edgar Allen Poe.
40 year living legend Raven man.

Raven crying, I’m crying.

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press @ or

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