Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Fool's Gold

Fool’s Gold
Isn’t becoming a “pack rat” a prerequisite to living here in Alaska? I believe it is one of those carry over things from pipeline constructions days. Wherein for survival, everything was saved. Take newspaper for instance. It can be used to start the wood stove, or double as the “Charmin”. This state doesn’t have the “empty grocery shelf” problem any longer, not with the likes of Wally World and Costco. And think of the possibilities of what could be fashioned with old news and duct tape? But “saving”, it is one of those habits that may be hard to break. So the other day, I came across an ancient addition of the Anchorage Daily Stool. It was a headline in the “ALASKA” section. “Indian Rape Rate Dismays Senators”. It is a sickening article about how our native women become victims to street “rape”, at alarming statistics. But I am sure it is not so bad a problem “still” in this day and age. See, back in 2004, Lisa Murkowski as a “nepotized” incumbent U.S. Senator on her first true campaign re-election test, she used the “Indian Date Rape” issue as a campaign promise. I remember it well, as Uncle Ted Stevens’ “War Chest” money was spent for these colorful adds that depicted the ugliness of rape, especially on the streets of Anchorage. In fact, it was in this same campaign promise that tourists were warned against braving the “downtown” streets! That the streets of Anchorage were unsafe! The campaign promise was supposed to win Federal funding to fix the problem, all proposed in efforts to win votes - especially that of the Anchorage Native population. I guess it worked, winning the votes that is. Now wait a minute, this isn’t an outdated news article! See, I was looking for something a little more entertaining, like an old “Voice of the Times” article by Bill Allen. I thought this newspaper was from the save then maybe recycle pile? No, it is dated October 1st, 2007, just “yesterday”. Now the “Indian Rape” article even includes a smiling face of Lisa. Why the hell would one be smiling when right above the mug shot, the word “RAPE”? It is not by any stretch of the imagination something to “smile” about. Editors should be more responsible when fitting portraits with the written news. Needless to say, it does provide though some semblance of a cheapskate laugh, as one should not have expected anything else from Lisa, the broken promises – Fool’s Gold! Does this surprise you, that now Lisa is finally jumping on the bandwagon? And the only reason that this serious problem is getting attention is the fact that the report was funded by “Amnesty International”. Maybe there is an election in the future and the nepotism lady is trying to save face. The other day, my wife asked just what has Lisa done since she was given her dad’s retired position? The only thing that came to mind was the fact that she must have been successful in getting her real estate license! Talk about “Fool’s Gold”. I am glad that the oil companies are finally finding their place in the FBI “Read My Lips No New Taxes” sting operation. I was holding my breath, but now I can breath easily again that the culprits are finally making the headline news, as conspirators and accomplices. Innocent until proven guilty, barhumbug! See, this state was not having the corruption problems when legitimate and ethical oil companies worked “our” resources. I am talking SOHIO and ARCO. The taxation that went along with the cost of doing business was questionably fair, but not grand theft robbery. BP has been on a campaign since the early 80’s to “RAPE” Alaska. Case in point. BP found a friend in Coconut Grove who amended the Jone’s Act. This act was originally designed to keep Alaskan oil on America soil, except for a few barrels that went to the Virgin Islands with Amerada. BP wanted the export ban lifted, not for reasons of export, but as a calculated money making scam. Now it wasn’t for any other reason except to send the “fear” factor to the west coast refineries. See, BP has refineries there also, so were they going to short their own reserves? NO. But when the Billy Goat was successful in getting the amendment signed, sealed and delivered that would now allow Alaskan oil to be exported, it panicked the “stock reserves” market and motor gasoline on the west coast increased by 4-cents on the gallon – overnight. Why, because BP had a tanker in Valdez - termination of the Alaska oil pipeline - that could now sail anywhere! Of course this occurred just when gas prices were still somewhat reasonable, so consumers didn’t blink an eye. But 4-cents here and 4-cents there, it amounts to a tremendous amount of “extra” revenue for a company that pushes over 70-million gallons of west coast motor gasoline a day! How about an extra $2.8-million to fill the company’s coffers on a daily basis! Just from an amendment change. No wonder Don or Ted never have to worry about an empty “War Chest”! Bottom-line, BP could not have gotten away with this unless it had influential friends in high places. Hey, we already knew where Ted and Don hung-out with “Big Oil”. But somebody had to get to the state legislature, to continue this infiltration. Bill’s “Voice of the Times” history dates back to when BP made the boardroom decision to suck up all of SOHIO’s assets. See, due to anti-trust rulings, SOHIO was court ordered to cease and desist as a corporation. But the company was allowed to maintain the status quo until another entity was able to takeover. It scared all the American oil companies, as it was too risky a venture takeover, as anti-trust was still a hot issue. But BP didn’t have the same kind of worries, as did real “American” corporations - because BP was a foreign entity and doesn’t have to play by the same rules of engagement. It didn’t have to worry about anti-trust! And at the same time, I believe a plan was envisioned to arrest ARCO’s expansion here in Alaska. Revenue from Alaska was keeping ARCO’s foreign ventures workable. Alaska is a cash cow for the oil industry. That is exactly what our very own Congress has stated, “Cash Cow”. John Dingle has gone on the record with this! Now all this positioning shenanigans was taking place when crude oil was at an all time low and the North Slope fields were starting to plateau. So Bill was given the test of time, to help BP reduce its loses in efforts to increase revenue, by cutting manpower and wages. That is why Bill was successful. He became a Heidi Flesh for “Big Oil”, and his workforce nothing more then prostitutes, for a paycheck. I have worked with many x-VECO workers. They are probably the best when it comes to the craft-trades. But I would be pulling wire right next to one of Bill’s prostitutes and I know that his pay was probably only 2/3rd’s of what I was taking home. Then came the EXXON Valdez wreck, wherein Bill made a whole bunch of money employing workers to “clean” rocks. The money came easy to Bill, because his agenda was in-line with “Big Oil”. So with plenty of money and on a winning streak, there was no stopping this disease to get greedier and greedier. Big Oil had control of Ted, Don and Frankisa. BP had Bill, from there it is all history in the making. Now in my book, the saddest day in Alaskan history occurred when finally the SOHIO sign was laid to rest, torn down from what is now the BP building on Benson. But up in Prudhoe Bay at the BOC, one can still see the weathered outline of this once great company’s “logo”. The second saddest day in Alaska’s history came about when the ARCO sign was lifted down off its perch, for years a mainstay of the downtown skyline. So the happiest day came most recently, when the VECO sign came crashing down. And I hope that the future shows this to be a trend and maybe one day the BP sign will come tumbling down, and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men won’t be able to put Ben together again. Then maybe this state can get a fair share of what is rightfully ours to begin with, the resources. And we can make a better and safer life for all without having to rely on “Fool’s Gold” promises gone missing. Maybe we can spend some money to prevent “Rape”! All around “Rape”! What’s that I hear, CH2M-Hill is laying off workers? See, this is the company that bought up the VECO assets. And now they are laying off x-VECO hands that were contracted to BP, for pipeline corrosion work. Well guess what, isn’t it BP that calls the shots. Wasn’t it a manpower issue that made Bill’s VECO? Maybe just maybe this outfit is no longer bending over to the foreigner’s demands? Layoffs, it hurts the bottom-line, but maybe there is another Bill and Ben in the mists of deception just waiting to make a deal. Who are the true rape artists? Who are the “pushers”? Hey, some believe they can have their mushy peas and eat it to!

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press @ Storylineonline@gci.net or Storylineonline.com

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