Thursday, October 4, 2007

Dishonest "Johns"

Dishonest “Johns”
So we have bathroom bandits that have nothing better to do then hang out at airport bathrooms playing footsies with Federal under-stall agents. Did you know that these decoys in plainclothes are “specially” trained agents that are schooled by Uncle Sam, get paid by Uncle Sam, and by the way that means you and I are “footing” the bill. How ironic! Schooling is required to learn the Craig Code. What a job! I can hear it now, “So Ben, what stall did you hang out today? It probably doesn’t amount to that much payola, but what a career. Starting off in the shithouse must be a guarantee for future advancement! Here in Alaska, “Ben” is a common shithouse word, a variable that can mean just about anything as long as it involves a lobbyist, corruption and a powerful daddy, daddy, daddy, their picking on me lullaby! And “our” very own Alaskan Ben was under “special” agent surveillance for trying to sell the 49’r to Britain, but now he is surveying the Russian coastline – from a boat docked way up north. See, he was given a fake artist’s blowhard job by some outfit trying to squeeze out a little more nepotism relief, the end result would have meant going under the Queen’s influence. Now that would not have been so bad, had Princess Diane made it to the top! Anyway for Ben, here is a great song. “This will be the last time, this could be the last time. May be the last time, I don’t know”! Think of it this way, when the indictment excitement hits home, he is positioned closer to Russian style freedom then American style incarceration. Really, if this guy goes free, and if “Big Daddy” goes free, it is proof that we have a “goofy” system of justice. True “Outhouse” injustice. Now what gets to me is the fact of the matter that suspected bandits - most with names the same as senators and congressmen throughout this land - make a whole bunch of money doing not a hell of a lot except ruining this country. Look, they have time to loiter with the toilet clientele when they should be dealing “openly” with constituents. Why is it that our representatives do everything behind closed doors? Doesn’t the Constitution guarantee an open society with open representation? Can you imagine hanging out in an airport restroom? It is pathetic to say the least. It is sick to say it best. I travel around quite a bit in my line of work. Airport bathrooms are the Petri-dish of germ warfare. The urine puddles grow exponentially during the day, such that by noontime the yellow matter inundates the floor drains. I doubt if the women’s outhouse is as gross. What makes matters worse off the wall, the urine is tracked from the source, through Homeland territory and onto the planes. I still see people taking off their shoes during flight time, I guess for comfort. And those that wear sandals, because they think it be easier when required to do the “footsie” striptease? The other day my flight out of Anchorage was delayed then cancelled, as the flight crew refused to board the ready-to-go plane. The grounds for this divorce was the excuse that there existed a “foul” odor on the plane. The crew was dismissed and the replacement crew showed up, and followed suit. But the cry “foul” was triggered by other factors. See the airline was having labor disputes. So it was somewhat of a concerted effort to get the point across that for low wages, it isn’t worth the bother – working in a latrine environment. Really, it must be a “shitty” environment, as flight attendants must put up with all kinds on “crap”, like obese people that take up 1/3rd of an extra seat, and the passengers that get screwed demanding a rebate. See, that is the basic difference between the hard workers of this country and protected officials. It is called “Honesty”. Anyway, it required three days time to get from Alaska to Washington. Really, I was working with a group of engineers from Sweden. Believe it or not, these guys made it to the CIA headquarters quicker then I did! It was interesting flying into D.C., care of Ronald Reagun “Zap” Airport. The shuttle was packed, mostly with tourists and foreigners, wanting to see the legendary United States Capital and surrounding monuments. The last “monument” I visited was the “moving wall” while it was in Anchorage, back in August of 1999. I was with my son and told him that this country would never put up with the likes of another Vietnam War. We both cried that day. Boy was I wrong. Anyway, there was a family of Brits, consisting of a husband and wife team and two young boys. At first, the kids tested or maybe teased the parents, with questions like where does Bush hide. These kids were smart. Then there came some intelligent test questions, and I think the dad was ready to give in, “No, I am not smarter then a….” Soon it turned into one of those “all-together now” touchy feely cessions – caused by traffic jams from senators and congressmen taking bathroom breaks. So all the passengers started acknowledging where each had traveled from and what was of interest to see while vacationing in the land of the free and the home of the brave with concealed weapons. Vacationing? How come people think Alaska belongs to the Brits? Really, it was embarrassing, so I put on my thinking cap, in efforts to sidetrack the truth. So when it was my turn, I decided to play the game. No I wasn’t here to see the Washington Monument. No it wasn’t the White House – gag me with a spoon, Laura’s horror house. No, I was interested in “K” Street. Really, this is where history will show that the “Corrupt Bastards” found the best stalls, to do their business behind closed doors and away from the mainstream political scene, namely away from “Honest Abe”. A place where “Honesty” was not an option. I would say that the Alaska delegation controlled a pretty extensive section of the “Outhouse Boys” neighborhood. It is the place wherein likes of Tom Delay set the GOP on a course of self-destruction. The Democratic puke party was already history, so with destruction of the “Bridges To Nowhere” party, now we have a government by the Bush’s for the Bush’s and with “Dick them before they dick me” mentality. Almost like a kingdom! What a waste, I am not talking the leadership, but what the hell happened to all that money that ends up going to the tax man? See, it is interesting to romp around the country and see what kind of infrastructure exists from year after year of appropriations gone wild but equitable – before earmarks gone wild became Ted and Don’s favorite pastime, when not doing the duty. Ted and Don represent Alaskan oil companies instead of representing the people of Alaska. There actually exists an infrastructure in most of America, so the money was well spent. But in Alaska, once again what the hell happened to all the money? And this will give you an insight as to why this far-and-away state is the kingpin “Corrupt” state of the Union. This state – thanks to thou “K” street urinal runneth over – has received more tax relief kickbacks then any other state. Year after year, sometimes in excess of three times the national average. Poor bastards, those “blue” states on the bottom of the urine puddle. Regardless, in Alaska, there isn’t anything to show for it all, accept corruption kickbacks. Corruption: “When taxpayer money is injected into a buddy’s company so campaign contribution can continue the corruption”. Don’t believe me? Take for example the “Honey Buckets”. That is a one-time white bucket many Alaskan’s use for a urinal. “Honey, will you empty the….” And for years, billions have been spent on coming up with a means to provide a better way to relieve oneself, especially in many areas wherein running water doesn’t run to well when the temperature hits minus 50! Today, the buckets still exist. Damn, we can put a man on the moon! Money thrown towards Alaska has been wasted time after time after time. And I would wager my “vote” that Alaskan “pork” has created more “buddy senator can you spare some time” millionaires then any other state. How come other states and cities have roads that are not falling apart? “All roads lead to Rome” has a meaningful relationship to how well a civilization advances. Roads are the cornerstone to survival. In Alaska, a new road lasts at the most 2-winters. Now don’t blame it on the climate, as many East Coast folk put up with just as bad conditions in the dead of winter. And Anchorage must have been left out of the American city “gridlock” contest. D.C. won, but when I was in that part of the country most recently, traffic was at least moving. And this is the district that “Has Taxation without Representation”, but they still have somebody looking after the road system. In Anchorage, we still have “territory” type freeways. Two lanes at the most, along with drivers that think a “Yield” sign is a not for real sign! Some people that reside on the “Hillside” have wider driveways then this city’s one and only highway in and out! And D.C., even with more people and more vehicles, the traffic moves, it doesn’t really come to a complete standstill like one gets used to in Anchorage. I have been living in Anchorage for a long time. Only once did I have the fortunate opportunity to get the “Green” light all along Dimond, without getting stuck at a “Red”. Once again, “What happened to all the money”? So fallout of “K” Street politics is the fact that powerful representatives can keep the stolen money flowing, for their own special interests, to get re-elected time after time after time. This is not what “representation” was all about. This is not what “income taxation” is all about. But politicians have reasons for their madness. See, the plan was to not provide an infrastructure in Alaska! The plan was to waste the money and accountability was like that “Yield” sign. No infrastructure excites the “fear” factor. With an infrastructure, a city or state may become self-sufficient. With that, people no longer lead a life of fear. They become free thinkers. They then can control their own destiny. There is no way in hell that the 49th state could control its own destiny, not without “pork” money. “Pork” addiction for Alaskans comes not with strings attached, but ropes. More like a noose! And this state has the largest oil fields in North America! Had it been different, wherein righteous representation had set Alaska on a course of independence, such a free-thinking “mindset” would have lead to disaster for the “seat warmers”, like Ted and Don and one-time Frank. Aren’t you glad it was only a “one-timer” for Frank as governor? See, we would have realized that a 51% ownership in the lucrative oil pipeline meant majority control. Guess who maintains that status quo? Yes indeed a foreign owned entity. It means humongous profits are sailing away across the ocean, not stopping at GO - Juneau - and coming back time after time for more! It is our wealth that is being stolen away! See, had not our representatives been so dishonest – wherein tax relief should have been distributed righteously throughout the land and not based on age discrimination of sitting senators and congressmen – the citizens of Alaska would have demanded more money from the resources. We would have built our own roads that lasted. We could have weaned ourselves away from all the “welfare”. We would have made righteous decisions on what was feasible and what not, as far as what to spend money on. Did we really need a launch facility in Kodiak, without rockets to launch? Did we really need a wood chip export facility within eyesight of the Port of Anchorage without any “chips” to export? Do we really need a Federally subsidized railroad? No, as first we need good roads. We were screwed, and we continue to get screwed today. I can’t wait until there comes a “makeover” in the House. When Ted and Don go away. I hope they resign to a place like Coconut Grove. Then maybe and hopefully there shall come upon this state a public moratorium on tax relief sent this way. We shall have to go it alone for awhile. We shall repent. We shall shoulder the burden. We shall revolt and takeover what is rightfully ours to begin with, OIL. Wherein we receive not some bargain outhouse token tax and some laughable royalty. We shall receive at least 50% of the wealth. If the foreigners don’t like it, go home! Then we can start to build a sustaining infrastructure. Then maybe, when proved that we can go it alone, this state can apply for “STATHOOD”! As then and only then, we can prove to the rest of America that it is a deserving title, without any strings attached.

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press @ or

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