Monday, October 8, 2007

Alaskan Style AID

Alaskan Style AID
What I despise? Trying to get from point A to B around the city of Anchorage in a reasonable amount of un-wasted time. The Raven can fly this distance in 3-mimutes flat, and pick up on fast food droppings along the way. No wonder it is laughing. But with all the traffic heading down towards “Right Away Cash Your PFD Check”, what can one expect? And it is a Saturday, so instead of getting out in efforts to enjoy the “great” outdoors, go indoors in efforts to help this state maintain the status quo - in the top ten for “obesity”. Hey lets go shopping then because we are so tired and hungry, how about hitting the fast food take out? Now I wouldn’t eat at a fast food joint, even if it meant starvation. See, do you really know what is going on in the managers’ office? Strip searching and frisking young innocent female workers seems to be the norm, along with demands for oral sex and spanking. And with the required burger turnover turnaround requirements in efforts to be a “manager”, there isn’t any extra time for management types to wash one’s hands. So that is why I stay away, it is disgusting. Really, in that case before the courts of a similar hostage taking situation, the manager said she had to rely on her non-employed not an employee boyfriend to take over the kidnapping, office sex and spanking, as customers were complaining and “No” she didn’t have time to wash before salting the fries! Now really, the traffic was backed up at least a mile on the highway. Along a main artery even, as the breakdown lane is littered with leftover crap blown free from the garbage transfer station, right across the street from the Peanut Farm. What’s that smell, sure ain’t my burger and fries! And with only two lanes to begin with, it is dangerous. Like Dylan sang out loud, “The highway is for gamblers”. He must have been talking about Anchorage! And why is it that all of a sudden there exists this maddening rush to perform all these last minute road projects? Our once two-lanners are down to one here then there. More like an obstacle course. And Anchorage drivers are the rudest throughout the land, so this type of scene is obscene. Better to stay home and feed the birds. And with this last minute frenzy to make contractors rich so they can catch that first plane over to Hawaii, it means that men, women and children alike are working the weekends - so it must be costing somebody an arm and a leg. Maybe somebody threw the dog a bone. Seems more on the scale of a pork chop. Maybe Don is trying to save his legacy, by sending cash rewards. Ted has already lost any semblance of “autobiography” decency. What’s that? I heard someone say, “We all pay for it”. That isn’t true though. See, as we get taxed more and more to provide artificial job security so senators and congressmen can play more golf, they pride themselves on voting themselves a raise. You will never see a filibuster or a veto on a pay raise! Can you imagine being in a position wherein you can write yourself a paycheck? Answer me this. With all the scams, illegalities and pathetic urinal injustice, do our representatives deserve to suck $170,000 a year away from the Treasury for a salary? That single income is what most double income middle class Americans make in a year’s time. And do you realize how much time is required to get this extravaganza of a paycheck. Remember, no time clock! It would make you sick to have before you the attendance record of our representatives. Now when they are not in “chambers”, they are supposed to be back at home with the constituents. What a joke, but the laugh is on the true grit Americans. It is pathetic. My take, no taxation until an individuals’ pay equals that of a sitting “duck” senator or congressmen. Congressmen Don “Billy Goat” Young doesn’t like being a sitting duck, so refuses to wear the bonafide “Congressional” lapel pin. He thinks it is made in China, but cannot prove it! Hey Don, you may as well go naked if you are down on imports! I know people realize that I am down hard on our representation. I learned well from Mark Twain. Now what really scared me about global warming are seasonal disruptions in the making. See, it means longer and longer “Wilder” seasonal delays here in Anchorage. See, we put up with this crap all summer long, until “black ice” forfeits any more contractor “please finish bonus” payments. So we never get to really test drive new roads or trash style type road rework. What the hell is with this type of re-surfacing? It is crap upon crap! I just received this questionnaire in the mail. Must be from a politician, as it already has the answers they want to hear. What a joke. It is a questionnaire from an outfit called AOGA, for Alaska Oil and Gas Assholes, a.k.a. “Big Oil”, a.k.a. “Big Nancy”. And we are now bombarded with news ads and fake commercials to tell us that “Big Nancy” will continue to screw us on the resources and the market value of such. Hey, “Big Nancy” has been lying to us for 30-years by now. It is hard to break old habits. Here it is in a nutshell. Had any of our elected representatives maintained an ounce of honesty while honestly trying to represent us, we would have open access to “Big Nancy’s” books and be able to see just how we were screwed. But we don’t have honest representation. That is why Ted let “Big Nancy” testify in front of Congress about high gasoline prices and not allowed to tell the truth under “oath”. Did Ted ever take the “oath”? Maybe the VECO “oath”! “I solemnly swear to double-dip, to not uphold a two-story development, to temper tantrum when I don’t get my own way, to steer lucrative contracts to my friends…” Not to change the subject, but my wife asked me a question, about this AIDEA conspiracy - as this outfit is giving away money again. Every Alaskan 3rd grader should know about AIDEA, Alaska Industrial Development and Export Association. What a mouth full! It goes hand and hand with the budget. That is why all of a sudden road crews missing in action all summer long are invading every intersection. The money tree has bloomed. Now with AIDEA, it is no different then road type construction – a.k.a riprap rip-off. See, it works like this. Somewhere down in Juneau is a vault filled with money, from selling off our resources at a cut-rate that was discounted. Called double-dipping. Now this money is supposed to make money, by investing into Alaska’s infrastructure, to “export” something of value. But that is yet to be proven, so it is in reality, AID. It was originally designed to help businesses get busy. Did you realize that Alaska is the kingpin of failed business ventures? As this “AID” doesn’t always work too well. See, it usually means that a business owner has been laughed out of the commercial bank department, just like that Capital One commercial. So one must now rely on “AID” for assistance. And in the end, the banks will rethink the rejected business loan application, as “AID” now becomes the laughing stock co-conspirator - I mean cosigner! See, the banks will eventually end up with the money from the vault, and make a fee managing the distribution - that is what it is all about. Wherein the banks see risk, the state sees a way to cover dearly for that risk. Hey, in the State of Brotherly “Corruption”, we love to take advantage of everything. See, I have a business plan to build a rocket launch facility. But I only have $25,000 dollars at my disposal. My business plan calls for a minimum of $45,000.00, just to get the equipment necessary to blast off. So I need to borrow from a friend, relative, sleazebag senator or investor - specifically for the latter, one that knows all about AIDEA, I mean AID. So I find someone that is more then willing to invest, for a fee. So I take my $25k along with Ramona’s $25k and approach AIDEA, who likes to match “sweat” capital. So I walk away with an offer in compromise that says I have an additional $50k to support the venture. $5,000 above what I really needed to begin with. Wow! What a state. Now the AID doesn’t go directly to me, but to a bank, one that laughed when I first approached it for a “loan”. Because of risk of failure or flight. So before the ink is dry on the “new” loan application, Frank the banker takes away an administrative fee, right off the top. And right up front, moaning Ramona wants her free-for-all fee, which amounts to a generous sum. So of that $100k total, I will pay myself back the collateral $25k, because this is too risky and my wife would divorce me if she knew I put up my life savings to blow off bottle rockets. Now Ramona wants her money back, as she has already garnished a hefty fee and there is another guy who needs her collateral money so AID can once again get the wool pulled. So Ramona walks away already a happy camper - $2,500 dollars richer, for a signature on a piece of paper. The bank is $2,500 dollars happier also! As by now, everybody has made money and the only money at risk belongs to the citizens of Alaska! And with that remaining balance of $45k, I start procuring equipment and whatever is necessary to get ready for a launch date. But it is slow going, as the “bank” is managing the state’s investment, so “benchmarks” are necessary. Basically, they have invested the money for their own good. And the bank has decided to re-write my business plan, as they are the experts with another’s money. So I have to put off procuring a major piece of equipment, until next year. In the meantime, I have run out of money, because I paid myself a CEO like salary that was approved by the lender – the bank. Hey, I have to eat! But like mentioned before, I am in good hands, and encouraged to apply for more AID, as I already have the bank and investors bent over eager to help out the state spend its money. Now due to delays in getting essential stuff, like a launching pad, we will only be able to launch toy type model rockets. Basically, bottle rockets! But at least it looks and sounds good. And what is this payback thing the bank is talking about? Oh, that is reserved for future use. So it is more in tune to a “grant”, instead of a loan. Hey, sounds like “pork”! See, it is supposed to be an “Export Association”, so payback isn’t essential until I export something, and bottle rockets are cheaper in “China”. Hey, more money was approved, no questions asked, just ask Frank the joker-man, I mean banker-man! How much has been made by others over this deal? Sorry, as that is confidential information wherein banks must remain safe havens for investors! State of Alaska, screwed once, twice….! Seems like the only thing getting exported is our savings.

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press @ or

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