Sunday, October 14, 2007

Alaskan Poet Fellow

Office of the Publisher 10 October, 2007
Poetry Division
London, U.K.

Dear S. Pam MaGee, Nom de Plume,
Recently, I was discussing the appointment of this year's Poet Fellows with various editors, colleagues, and publishers. The Poet Fellowship is an elite group of international writers who share a common passion for writing. In recent years, the number of Poet Fellows has grown with members from all over the world. It started in London and then quickly spread to New York, Paris, and Venice . . . and now its members literally circle the globe. It is with great enthusiasm that I am officially inviting you to join this legendary group as a Poet Fellow. This is a marvelous opportunity for you to finally join the upper echelon of poets and writers.

Freedom of the Pen
by S. Pam MaGee, Nom de Plume

What defines Freedom?
Answer not mine.
Then what warrants Freedom?
Merely life shall suffice!
Yet I have life.
But this Freedom?
Is yet to bring.
When even though I hear someone sing.
“Let Freedom ring”.

So my dreams fulfill Freedom missing.
But such it merely that,
Only this dream!

Yet with pen in hand,
This Freedom does bring that ring!
Alas, be it the only Freedom won.
Is that of this pen and written upon.

Freedom not denied,
But Freedom defined!
My 1st Amendment Right,
Is that right to life.

Let Freedom ring,
I now can sing.

CopyRight 2007 – Dixie Productions/MSK Media/Eagle Rock Press or

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