Saturday, September 29, 2007

Editor's Choice

Editor’s Choice
It must be a difficult job these days, as editor-in-chief of a newspaper syndicate. Especially here in Anchorage! Wherein the murderers are in constipation with the “Corrupt Bastards” in constipation with “Ugly” Nancy – a.k.a. Big Oil. I could have used the word “competition”, but I am talking a newspaper’s newsworthiness here. With the cut, paste and copy revolution upon us and journalists equipped with PC’s - instead of the old fashion printing press - the placement, formatting and editing of articles is probably an easy accomplishment. At the same time, it is probably very easy for something – like a headline – to get lost in action, maybe arranged not quite in the right place to get the point across. Case in point: The Anchorage Daily Stool. The headlines, “Anchorage Police Cite then Forgive Jaywalkers”. A sidebar to this article went like this, “I think we did a shock and awe today.” This quote supposedly by the Lieutenant of the Anchorage Police Traffic Unit. Same front-page addition included another headline that went like this, “Big Oil Fights Change In Tax”. I believe this “shock and awe” side-bar is mixed up a bit. See, the $150,000 dollar blitzkrieg campaign to inform you and I that with increased taxation upon the oil industry means no more “Big Fat” PFD’s, this is nothing short of a vain attempt to shock and awe – the fear factor once again. “Ugly” Nancy has been playing this game for 30-years now, successfully. Look, unless you are an “American Citizen Left Behind”, corruption goes hand in hand. We have corrupt politicians that have caved into corrupt oil companies. Monkey see, monkey do mentality it is. I could go on about “Ugly” Nancy, but who would listen? Frank never listened! Wow, the tourist season is over with so it is time to harass the residents of Anchorage? I will take that back. The tourist leave here with a sense of “shock and awe”, over the price of things. Anyway, I like the forgiveness clause in the “jaywalking” citation, “Violators ticketed – during a sting operation which involved the same kind of plainclothesmen that made friends with Larry Craig – are off the hook for the fine and the ticket won’t show up on their records”! You know what, as a law-abiding citizen, I would love to have on my record a “jaywalking” citation. “Sorry, Mr. MaGee, we would like to offer you a job as a Walmart greeter, but this citation”? This is like Alice’s Restaurant - Remake! Back to “Ugly” Nancy. Answer me this, does Chuck Logsdon get a PFD? This guy was the state’s chief petroleum economist for at least 20-years wherein “Ugly” Nancy ripped off the state. He was either dumb founded or positioning himself for a consultants job. It worked! So he now fetches a “STATE” retirement and is out to help the industry to continue to screw ALASKANS. There may not be a law against this, but like mentioned earlier, monkey see, monkey do, ethics is constipated. And if you believe these adds, then my counter-point should also be of interest – the rest of the story. Case in point again: I was a communications technician for an outfit on an outsourcing contract to provide services to one of the biggest “Ugly” Nancy partners - which means it was a way to save money. In the old days, we were called phone technicians and walked around with a device called a “Butt” set. It was basically an eavesdropping telephone. If you can find one technician out there that didn’t at one time or another listen in on a private conversation, their lying. And the modern day “Butt” sets, they are pretty sophisticated. Just ask Kott. Now this eavesdropping doesn’t stop at a phone conversation. With modern day computer-to-computer correspondences, there is something somewhere at the hands of the “techie” – for eavesdropping fun. Basically, nothing is private. That is why the Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee such a right. We thought it did, it doesn’t. Now I remember one time when up at Prudhoe Bay we were instructed to a “tight well” site to disconnect all phone lines and install encryption gadgets on the “Deep” system. This was down-hole exploration data that was to be beamed “somewhat” directly to the BP headquarters building in Anchorage. The management was so concerned about espionage, that all the workers’ radios were also confiscated. Cell phones don’t work way out on an ice-island, so that was not a concern. In fact, all but essential workers were sent shore-side while the critical data was retrieved, encrypted and sent to a safe location far and away. Now like mentioned before, this data ends up somewhere before it gets to its desired destination. Like back at the Prudhoe Bay base camp! Where the telecommunications equipment hung out. Where lazy technicians hung out, waiting to eavesdrop or nap. So we were board, as it was a Sunday, and they feed you too much damn good food at the camps. So we decided to hookup another de-crypter, from the encrypted signal coming from the “tight well”. It worked, as we watched in amusement all this data get printed out. It was harmless, as we were not geologist and had no idea what it all meant. One guy actually considered trying to sell it on E-Bay. So, with a few tools of the trade and access to every computer on the slope, even the “Big Wig” managers, there existed all kinds of possibilities. And this one guy we worked with, he had a way to monitor keyboard keystrokes from where we sat in the PBX room, so one could get anywhere and anything. With a critical password, we could fake the system and be “anybodies” computer. So, like normal behavior, it was not unusual to find somebody tapped into the top managements’ computers. Really, some guys would spend hours looking through another’s E-mail. I wasn’t interested in looking at E-mail type “lovey dovey” notes sent to some guy’s wife. But the data on “Lifting” costs is what astounded me. It was right there on the screen, in a “CONFIDENTIAL” E-mail correspondence. This is where I lost all faith in “Ugly” Nancy, as for years I believed that it was indeed costing an arm and a leg to get oil out of the ground up here. Now, this was when oil hit an all time low of $7.50 a barrel. It was a sad time when drilling rigs around the world were being sent to the graveyards of rust. The “Official” average “Lifting” costs for Prudhoe Bay oil was $5.25 per barrel. “Lifting” is a snazzy word for “everything”. From workers’ wages, to pipe to food to fuel. So even with world-wide depressed oil prices, this place was making enough to break over-even. See, it makes sense. By this time in Alaska, the infrastructure was paid for. There was nothing going into the aging field’s infrastructure, except workers’ wages. Which by this time had dwindled down to bare bottom basics, as a majority of the maintenance was slashed. This is no lie. So back then, when Saudi Arabia was experiencing a cash flow problem - as that country’s “lifting” costs were higher then that found in Alaska – and they keep upgrading so as not to pollute, Alaska’s “Ugly” Nancy was crying. But it was really a laugh. So now we have oil at $70.00 a barrel and climbing. And “Ugly” Nancy is crying again over this state’s attempt to get what is rightfully ours – just compensation for the resources we own! Now there is a little effort to replace pipe that is falling apart up north, after years of neglect, but all-in-all, the rape continues. Now answer me this, how come “Ugly” Nancy has not been indicted, along with the “Corrupt Bastards”? Maybe because a corporation is indeed a “person”, but without a soul. And did Bill Allen just wake up one morning on his own accord and try to make deals with Ben and company. Or did “Ugly” Nancy have something to do with it? So for some 30-years now the citizens of Alaska have been financially crippled by the “shock and awe” tactics of “Ugly” Nancy. With help from Frank, Ben, Ted and I am sure Don has something to do with it, when he is not running away from “rabid” skunks. The whole thing stinks, as the citizens of this state have no idea what kind of game is played out day in day out in the board rooms of “Ugly” Nancy and partners - for the last 30-years. Shock and Awe, I guess it has worked, but it is more akin to “economic” torture. And had we had ethical representation from the get-go, both on the Federal and local level of confidence and competence, the oil industry would not have gotten away with it. Our representation sold the crown jewels. We gave up our wealth for welfare relief, so the scoundrels could keep a few friends, as corruptness doesn’t breed friendship, but breeds evil. It must be hard realizing you have very few true friends, only those that are in reality leeches. Do you really think that Bill Allen and Ted are still friends? But maybe that is what prison is all about – to awake and make new friends. So, in a nutshell, here is my take on the whole situation. To see Kott and Tom get guilty verdicts, there is the ever more increasing possibility that the same will hit Ben and Ted and others. And I am sure Frank is not so safe. But these guys were manipulated. I say throw the book at “Ugly” Nancy. Throw the bums out, and make them take that “fake” flag back home with them. In fact, a flag burning is in order in my book. Remember, there is no law that disallows the burning of another country’s flag. Hey, if Hugo can kick the bums out, we can surely do the same. And as penance, for the “Corrupt Bastards”, Bean’s Café dish duty will do. So Bon voyage “Ugly” Nancy and company and “Don’t come back now, ya hear”!

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